Web Development

Curried Functions in JavaScript

April 12th, 2017 | By Thomas Greco | 3 min read

Today, our tutorial dives into curried functions in JavaScript. In other words, we focus on currying in JavaScript. See how we can use curried functions to compose new functions.

Functional programming in JavaScript has become an increasingly sought-after skill. By employing the proper functional programming concepts, users can eliminate problems related to global scope and create applications using the same bits of reusable code.

Why Currying is Useful

When building applications with JavaScript, developers want to ensure their code is written as effectively as possible and follows the D.R.Y. principle of programming (Do Not Repeat Yourself).

By using curried functions, our functions are automatically primed for reuse and composition, which plays a huge role in functional programming. To get a better understanding of this, let’s take a look at a non-curried function that simply adds two numbers together.

function add2Numbers(a,b) {
return a + b
console.log(add2Numbers(4,4)) // prints 8
console.log(add2Numbers(4)) //prints NaN

Above, we see a function add2Numbers takes the arguments a and b and adds them together.

Below the function, we see the results of logging add2Numbers() to the console. In the first instance, our function takes the numbers 4 and 3 and prints out our desired result. Following, we see add2Numbers() producing NaN (Not a Number) because it has not been given a value for b.

Although the function is completely valid, how it is composed makes it unique to its situation and not very reusable. To better understand this, let’s take a look at a curried version of this function and the benefits that it provides users.

function curriedAddTwo(a) {
  return function (b) {
    return a + b;
console.log(curriedAddTwo(1)(2)) // evaluates to 3

The function above works as follows:

  1. curriedAddTwo() is declared, accepting a single parameter a;

  2. when called, curriedAddTwo() is supplied the argument 1, returning a new anonymous function that accepts a single parameter b;

  3. returned function (step 2) is called immediately with argument 2, returning the expected value 1+2.

By definition, a curried function takes many parameters and returns a function with a fixed arity of 1. Although that may sound confusing, it simply means that a curried function will always return a function that takes exactly 1 argument.

As a result, we must pass in arguments in individual parenthesis blocks, or our function will not work.

function curriedAddTwo(a) {
  return function (b) {
    return a + b;
console.log(curriedAddTwo(1, 2)) //  throws error
console.log(curriedAddTwo(1)(2)) // evaluates to 3

Additionally, curried functions are also closures, which is a common term in programming. Simply put, a closure is a function bundled with references to its lexical environment. In our case, the inner function is referencing a from its outer scope, so we know we have a closure.

Let’s take a look at how this type of function composition promotes code reuse.

Re-using Curried functions

In the code block below, we see a new function called curriedMultiplyTwo(), which multiplies two numbers together.

Taking a look at this example, we see how we can use this function to compose additional functions.

function curriedMultiplyTwo(a) {
  return function (b) {
    return a * b;
const double = curriedMultiplyTwo(2);
const triple = curriedMultiplyTwo(3); 
console.log(double(3); // prints 6
console.log(triple(4); // prints 12

The makeup of curriedAddTwo() and curriedMultiplyTwo() is almost identical, so we won't walk through how our new function works. Instead, we want to focus our attention on the functions created at the bottom of our code block.

const double = curriedMultiplyTwo(2);
const triple = curriedMultiplyTwo(3); 

The two lines of code above show us how easy it is to compose functions from a curried function. As their name suggests, double() multiplies numbers by 2, and triple() multiplies numbers by 3.

In both of these functions, because the first argument from curriedMultiplyTwo() is bound within double() (a = 2) and with triple() (a = 7), the functions are said to be “closed over”.


Hopefully, by now, you know what a curried function is and how it works.

For many, the concept of currying can seem confusing. Therefore, you must understand that it revolves around the ability to reuse functions.


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